It's the day of your gift exchange! In order to start a game you need to go through the check-in process. Below we walk through the steps both as a Game Lead and as a participant.
Game Lead
At any time on the day of your gift exchange, you can to log in to White Elephant Online and begin the check-in process. Participants won't be able to check-in until you open up the process, so we recommend logging on a few minutes before your scheduled gift exchange to open up check-in. To do so, you will click on the Start Check-In Process at the top of the game screen.
This will bring up the Check-in screen. The first step is on the screen is a reminder to make sure you're sharing your screen with participants via your video conference tool.
In order to successfully check-in a player must submit a gift and mark themselves as here and ready to play. If you have required players to submit an address, they will also need to make sure that is completed before they can check-in. As players check in you will see their names appear under Ready to Play. Under Action Required, you will be able to see what action a player needs to take before they are eligible to check-in and play.
You have the option to check participants in on their behalf by simply clicking on their name. To un-check in a player, just click on their name again.
You also have the option of continuing without missing participants if you have some players who can't make the game. If you start the game without them, they cannot join later. When all of your participants have checked-in, click on the Continue with these Players button.
At this point you will have the opportunity to review the Game Play and Rules with your group before you begin play. You can click the arrow next to "Game Rules" in order to see additional rues for your game.
After reviewing the rules you can click "Continue" to have the system assign numbers to all players and start swapping!
Participant Check In
As a participant, once the Game Lead opens up check-in you will be able to check-in. In order to check-in you must have already submitted a gift. If you haven't, you will have the opportunity to submit a gift now. If your Game Lead has required addresses for this game, you will also need to make sure you've submitted an address before you can play.
Once you've submitted your gift and the Game Lead has opened check-in, you will see the Check In Now button at the top of the screen.
Click on the button to check in and let the Game Lead know you're ready to play! Once you do, you will see a success message and the Game Lead will be notified.
Now all that's left to do is sit back and enjoy the game!