Once you have started your game you will see all of the gifts, the list of your participants and the ability to start opening gifts. Note that only the Game Lead will have the ability to click on gifts to open them.
On the righthand side of the screen you will see who is up next at the very top, and the full list of participants below that.
Unwrap Gifts
In order to begin play, the first player will chose a gift to unwrap by choosing a number. The Game Lead will then click on that gift, and click Open Gift.
When you click Open Gift, you will see a short GIF play and then the gift will be revealed.
The Game Lead will click on Next Person to advance play. The next player will have the option to open a new gift or to steal the gift that has already been opened.
Steal or Swap a Gift
Clicking on the Steal tab at the top of the screen will display all of the gifts that have already been opened and are available to be stolen.
To steal a gift, simply click on the gift and then select Steal Gift.
Game play continues until each player has a gift. Once all players have taken a turn and everyone has a gift, click on the End Game on the top left.
My info
Participants who are logged in will be able to view the gift table and the gifts that have already been unwrapped at any point during the game.
At any point during the game, players can see their assigned number and the gift they have at that point by clicking on My Info next to your name in the Players list on the right hand side of the screen.